Use Make to post on Youtube

Learn how to post Revid videos on Youtube through a Make integration with webhooks.

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Do not index
Unfortunately, a native integration between Revid and Youtube is still not possible.
One way around this is to use Make or Zapier. Here is how to do so with Make.
  1. head to the Account section and hit this button
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  1. A configuration popup opens asking for a webhook URL, let’s set up Make to get this webhook
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  1. Get in your Make account and Create a new scenario. Our goal is to create this flow:
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  1. Create the webhook module:
    1. hit “Copy addess to clipboard”
      1. notion image
    2. go on Revid, paste this in the webhook field
      1. notion image
    3. then hit “Test Webhook”, this should display a successful toast.
  1. Create a HTTP module and use the variable “video_url” from the first module to download the file.
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free plan will be blocked at this steps as the video file are too big. Upgrade on Make to move forward.
  1. Set up the “Youtube” module by using the variables from the first 2 modules.
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  1. Then save your scenario, make it live and finish the creation of your integration in Revid.
    1. notion image
Once all this is done, you should be able to post on Youtube through Make.